Negotiation Skill

One should have excellent negotiation skills to ensure win-win situation for both the parties.

Basic rules of negotiation.

  1. Don’ start
  2. Don’t tell your bottom.
  3. Don’t make Salami.
  4. Don’t accept the first offer.
  5. Do proper research before negotiation. Collect all data / price etc. about product.
  6. Plan your strategy.
  7. Don’t make the first offer. If need to make it, then add margin.
  8. Don’t make quick deals.
  9. If you want to sell, don’t give freebies. It will create habits.
  10. Don’t negotiate with self – first rule.
  11. Don’t tell lies. Tell facts and figures with evidence.

Smart Tips

  1. Understand the Need, Interest and Concern of person whom you are negotiating.
  2. Do Gap analysis.
  3. Build emotional equity – help other people/ build relationships.
  4. Connect, convey, and convince.
  5. Do conversation with self before negotiation – ask question to self and reply the same.
  6. Listen to other people carefully.
  7. Monitor body language.
  8. Know your outcome with respect to goal/ requirement.
  9. Be flexible in your approach – the plan may not work exactly but your vision will guide you to reach there.
  10. Believe in your position – self-confidence.
  11. Be willing to walk away – if deal is not as per your desire.
  12. Speak less, think twice, and agree slowly.
  13. Sell value instead of price.
  14. Don’t show impatience or urgency.
  15. Don’t sell price.
  16. Don’t bargain with yourself.

Salami – Negotiation technique that tries to win concessions in small doses (slices) when the other party would probably reject them if they were put on the table all at once.