Learn to say NO

If you say YES to somebody, ask yourself that saying YES is in line with your plan / this is something you really want.

Learning to say NO will make you feel more confident. If you say YES to others, even you want to say NO, it will delay your plan work, your goal, create distraction and frustration at your part. Over the period of time, habit of saying YES instead of NO will make you work for others and no productive work could be done for self/ family.

Ask following questions to you – before saying YES or NO

  • Do you really want?
  • Do you have time?
  • Which planned thing will get disturbed?
  • Is there any future consequences if I say NO.
  • Can someone take care of this request other than me?
  • Does it fit within my priorities?
  • How much time involved?
  • Why I am being asked?
  • Do I will have similar opportunity in future?

Tips for saying NO

  • NO => is a complete statement. Do not justify it otherwise people will try to solve your problem. Just say NO. No need to explain further. If somebody insists for reason, you can say politely that it is personal reason or company policy or tell I will come back after checking my schedule etc.
  • Express decision “NO” with conviction, confidence. One should certain otherwise people find solutions from your excuses.
  • Take a moment before you answer.
  • Buy some time.
  • Make a decision and stick to it.