Meaning of simple life

Simple life generally meant that the arrangements that you make around your life are simple, so it does not entangle you, it only supports you. All arrangements that we make in our lives are supposed to enhance our life.

We study, buy house, purchase stuff, make relations, do marriage, have children, do business etc. to enhance our life.

Look at people faces and see, before they got educated, before they got married, before they had children, how they were and how they become today? Does it look like they have enhanced?

So, obviously people made so many arrangements in life that they cannot handle. They did not make arrangements consciously what is needed for me every day. He is going for shopping, so I need to shop. I don’t want to shop, but I will shop something because my neighbor is also shopping. Because of this, most home have turned into warehouses. Most people have things in their homes, they have not used for a year or two and still they can’t give it away. Eventually, it is cluttering their life.

People did not build this home, they did not buy these things, they did not form this relationship as a way of enhancing their life, they are using everything to entangle their life. Simple life means you are enhanced but you are not entangled. Why do you make an arrangement that you don’t need. If you make an arrangement that you don’t need, these arrangements will become entangling. What kind of arrangement is best for you, you just make that. This is a simple life.

Your arrangement should not trap you but support you in enhancing your life. This is called simple life.

By adopting simplicity, possessing less but essential items, you can focus on task which matter most and achieve seamless success. This will help you to
achieve more health, happiness, peace, success and money in life.