12 ways to Simplify Your Life

By living with less stuff, making fewer plans, and getting back to basics, you’ll find yourself less stressed and less anxious. You’ll be able to sleep more easily at the end of the day and wake feeling more rested than before. You’ll be able to concentrate better, express your creativity in new and different ways, and stay focused on what’s important. And by living a simple life, you don’t just benefit yourself – you benefit the world around you, too. By making more eco-friendly, sustainable choices, you benefit the environment.

By being more conscious of your choices, you’ll feel great about working towards a simple lifestyle and enjoying all of the benefits that come with it.

1. Declutter your home.

Having a house full of stuff is the opposite of living a simple life. If you’re looking for a great first step to take toward living more simply, consider decluttering your space.

Many of us hold onto all kinds of things we no longer need – or particularly want. Maybe you’ve got closets and drawers filled with clothes you’re never going to wear again, or shelves filled with books that you have no intention of ever reading. You might have a kitchen overflowing with pots, pans, and utensils you don’t actually use, or a garage packed with boxes that haven’t been opened in years.

Whether or not you realize it, all that stuff is contributes to overwhelm and increased stress. Living in a cluttered space stifles our creativity, suffocates our spirit, and makes it impossible to ever truly relax. 

There are many benefits to be enjoyed from having a decluttered space. By decluttering your home, you can say goodbye to the stuff that no longer brings you joy – and boost your happiness.

2. Buy less stuff.

And once you’ve decluttered? If you want to live a simple life, don’t let yourself fill it back up with stuff.

Instead, try to be more intentional about the things you buy. If you struggle with impulsive shopping, set a rule and make yourself wait at least a day before buying anything that you don’t truly need.

By giving yourself time to consider whether you really need it or not, you can often talk yourself out of purchases that won’t really add value. 

You’ll not only save money but also keep clutter from piling back up in your home.

3. Get rid off from debt and unnecessary cost

Stop spending more than you earn and commit to taking small steps to pay off your debt month by month. Enjoy the physical and mental freedom that comes from being debt-free.

Also get rid off from unnecessary costs like – Unused gym memberships, the latest iPhone plan, Netflix, coffee each day from the local cafe, the expensive car repayments, the oversized house…these are just a few examples of indulgent expenses. Think about how you can limit the excess and enjoy the freedom that comes with having more money to spend on what you really value.

4. Minimize / Downsize your stuff

Life is easier to operate when you’re surrounded by less stuff. It’s incredible how much more room we have when we’re careful with the things we bring into our home. When you own less, you don’t need as much space.

5. Meditate and Walk

Meditation will teach you not to let your emotions drive your decisions and ultimately save you a lot of unnecessary stress. When done regularly, walking can be a form of meditation that relieves stress and boosts alertness.

6. Unplug more often.

Many of us are constantly distracted by electronics. Between your cell phone, your laptop, the television, and the smart devices throughout your home, it can feel like you’re always connected – like it’s impossible to truly unplug. 

By distancing yourself from those electronics, you might be surprised to see just how much more clearly you can think. You’ll sleep easier, feel more creative, and be more present in your conversations with others.

Not sure how to make it happen? Here are a few ways you can unplug and live a simpler life:

Make your bedroom a place for sleeping. Get rid off the television, and don’t let yourself scroll through social media from bed. Instead, keep a book on your nightstand and use an old school alarm clock.

Limit your screen time throughout the week. There are apps that can help you track your screen time – if you haven’t tried it, you might be shocked to see how much time you actually spend on your cell phone. 

Don’t leave the television on for ‘background noise’. Instead, be intentional and deliberate about watching television when you do choose to use it.

7. Enjoy simpler meals.

Our diet is one area where many of us could benefit from embracing a little more simplicity.

Living a simple life can also extend to your kitchen. Declutter your pantry and let go of overly processed snacks and try to limit take-out and fast food.

Instead, double down on cooking simple meals with wholesome ingredients. Embrace seeds, nuts, fruits, veggies, and proteins from sustainable sources. Make your own dressings, sauces, spice mixes and dips when possible.

You might be surprised to see just how delicious things can be without all of the additives and preservatives. 

8. Spend time alone.

Solitude can be uncomfortable initially. When we slow down, we can hear our inner anxieties and stress more clearly. Rather than ignoring these, listen to what they have to say.

9. Do one thing at a time.

Many of us spend our days stressed out because we’re trying to do too much at once. Instead, try to slow down and focus your energy on doing one thing at a time. Get lost in a book without interruption.

Have a lot on your mind? Take a walk – and leave your headphones at home. Have a conversation with a friend and really focus on the moment instead of endless distractions.

Stop worrying about what you need to do later. Learning how to do one thing at a time is easier said than done – but once you master the skill, you’ll never go back to multitasking. 

10. Minimize distractions

If you want to live a simple life, consider what other things in your life are distracting you. If your schedule feels packed, reassess your commitments and decide which things you may need to let go of.

Make sure that your time and energy are being used intentionally. Spend more time on what matters and take back your time from what doesn’t. Having a greater awareness of how you’re using your time will help you to recognize where it’s being wasted.

The goal of living a simple life is to limit the distractions in your life so that you have more time and space cleared up for the things that matter most to you.

11. Create daily habits.

Creating daily habits in your life is a great way to simplify. When a repeated action becomes a habit, it requires less thought and mental space.

Habits are something you do without even thinking about it. As you work to create daily habits in your life, you will also be working towards your goal to live a simple life.

Creating decluttering habits will help you to maintain your decluttered space. Habits are key in your success in creating lasting change in your life.

12. Take a rest day

Though it can be hard for the human ego to accept, the world doesn’t fall apart when we take a break. At the end of each week, switch off your phone and computer, close your diary, and enjoy some downtime.